Below we have captured the most common Frequently Asked Questions from our community.
All the information we have is from public records. Specifically, all private property owners are registered with the county in which their property is located.
We determine our offer price based on several factors such as location, topography, acreage of the property, and etc. If you believe we missed key features, please contact us and let us know.
Some transactions can close in as little as Seven days. However, others may take several weeks or even a month or two. For some properties, we can close the transaction in-house. Other properties, we may elect to use a title company to complete the transaction. Although title companies may take much longer, their use is imperative in larger transactions.
As long as the back taxes are within reason, we will assume them when the transaction is complete.
Quality, simplicity and trust. Our process is simple and transparent for selling your land. If you use a realtor it can take one year or more to sell if it sells.
No, we are not agents. We buy and hold or buy and sell land.
You receive the agreed to price. Our process is simple and transparent for selling your land. If you use a realtor it can take one year or more to sell your land if it sells at all. If you use a real estate agent You could pay fees in the thousands of dollars. There is no middleman when you work with YNS Land.
We don’t charge any fees. You receive the agreed to price.
We have spent a lot of time and energy making this as simple and easy for our customers as possible. Contact us, We are happy to answer your questions and work with you.
There are many situations which we may be able to provide you information on how to sell your property. Please contact us with your situation. All property sold needs to be free and clear of all encumbrances, with good and marketable title, with full possession to said property available to Buyer at date of closing